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主題: 遊清境農場
來自: Theresa Ng 於:2023/11/29 
內容: 請問我們曆日早上在貴民宿check out並存放行李,從青青草原入清境高空步道遊農場,在蝴蝶園出,與民宿有大距離,如不想跑山回頭路,可有方法回民宿取回行李呢?

店家回覆: Hello Theresa,


Karina (Dec 13)


Hello Theresa,

Both your reservations are confirmed. The reservation #3078494499 has not been paid. Please help us prepare cash to settle the payment when you check-in.

The message board here cannot display all our responses logically. Please add our LINE (ID: @716avoob) for more direct assistance.

Thank you!

Karina (Dec 10)
主題: Re:遊清境農場
來自: Theresa Ng 於:2023/12/02
內容: We will check in at 13 Dec2023 & check out at 14 Dec2023. Two rooms for 3 persons.
主題: Re:遊清境農場
來自: Theresa Ng 於:2023/12/03
內容: One room was used Wai Ming LAM for one person & other room was used Ka Wai Henry POON for 2 persons booked & both were through Agoda agent.
主題: Re:遊清境農場
來自: Theresa Ng 於:2023/12/13
內容: 突然出現少許問題,必須通知你們,因其中一房用Ka Wai Henry Poon訂之房間因潘先生突然身体出問題入了医院,未能同行,將由NG Choi Yin Theresa在你們枱前辨入住手續。並將show up 潘先生旅行証件作識別。

回應主題: 遊清境農場
性  別: